Digital Marketing training for SME’s

Views: 2 Are you a small business owner? An entrepreneur? Do you have an offline shop, or an online shop? Are you looking to go into starting any of the above in 2019? Do you sell your goods/services on instagram, facebook or generally online? How have sales been? Fair? Ok? …could do more. The competition for sales, the competition for space online will be more in 2019 hence this ‘small’ training for small/medium scale businesses, online shop owners and [...]

Early bird registration for Air Ticketing & Reservation summer edition begins

Views: 6   Dates for summer 2018 edition of training of interested participants as travel agents, travels consultants and ticketing officers on the IATA course; Air Ticketing & Reservation have been announced. The summer edition comes with added features and an improvement from the Spring edition held March 31 – April 28, 2018, will hold from July – September 1st, 2018. The program jointly organized by: EmployMe Nigeria and Tender Olives Travels with technical and program support by Eduwhere Aviation [...]

How the customer service training will boost your career

Views: 1 For every industry or professional set up, industry skills, know hows and codes are required. Primarily these are acquired through training, seminars and workshops. Ultimately professional certification adds a notch to ones rating in the field. The customer service skills: training & certification  will open new vista for participants who are already in the customer service industry and those interested in developing or starting a career in it. Hence the training and it certification. Watch: Videos from last diets [...]