The 2023 HR & VA Training Certification program

The year 2023 is definitely a year of expansion.

EmployMe E-Learning, Nigeria’s 1st and foremost online training/certification school in partnership with Young HR professionals and Career College kick starts the year with a dual- career certification program:

– The Human Resource Management Training [HRMT]
– The Virtual Assistant Management Training [VAMT]

In 2022, the school took a hiatus from the HRM and it VAM program to develop a certification that will combine HR and VA in the new work space. Read our last HRMT program HERE.

Our only VA program took place in the summer of 2020, titled: Re-Skilling for Jobs post Covid;
Now, this is a program to cover both spectrum and give career professionals an open source program to study and get certified in Human Resource Management and Virtual Assistant Management.

The HRMT &VAMT certification program by EmployMe E-Learning is a 6 weekends – 12 days online program that will give career edge and advantage to participants to function in the field of Human resource and virtual assistant – two key job roles that have evolved and still in high demand.

– If you aren’t in these spaces, this program is the right way to transition into HR and VA.

– If you are in HR or VA without a grilled training and a recognized certification, the HR/VA certificate by EmployMe E-Learning is one to obtain before the end of Q1, 2023.

The HR curriculum will cover:

– Introduction to Human Resource
– HR Management & organizational structure
– Key HR functions
– HR planning
Recruitment & selection
– Compensation & Benefits
– Training & Development.

For the Virtual Assistant program, curriculum will cover:

– Introduction to VA.
– VA functions (admin, schedule, task, project etc).
– Essentials skills needed as VA.
– VA admin tools and deployment.
– VA relations with clients, teams & Boss.
– A VA’s mindset and attitude.
– Core VA industry.

Program details:

Venue: Online

– School materials, task, report, exams, results and certificate will be on EmployMe school portal – See Portal Here
– Class sessions will hold via Zoom.


Start: April 15, 2023
End: May 07, 2023

Weekends with classes only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Program Fee:
Both programs: N60,000 (GHc 900)
HRMT only – N40,000 (GHc 600)
VAMT only – N30,000 (GHc 450)

Payment Details:
– You can pre-book your slot by paying 50% of program fee and pay balance by 3rd weekend of the program.
– Seeing it’s an online program, slots are limited to a specific number of persons to ensure for maximum learning impact and tutorial.
– Online payment
– Offline payment

– A whatsapp platform for all participants where materials, facilitator/student engagement and Job openings geared for the two programs will be posted to help participants looking for job openings in this spaces access opportunities.

– The HRMT certification is in conjunction with Young HR professionals.

– Trainers, examiners and facilitators are top HR certified administrators and facilitators from the Young HR Professionals Network.

– ALX Certified VA trainers and examiners from Career College will conduct the VAMT program.

– The VAMT is in conjunction with The Career College.

Register NOW and secure your seat.


Online Payment (Instant receipt)

Click HERE  to make payment for Both programs : N60,000
Click HERE  to make payment for HRMT only – N40,000 (GHc 600)
Click HERE  to make payment for VAMT only – N30,000 (GHc 450)

Via Bank deposit or transfer (Delayed Receipt):

Account Name: Employme E-learning
Access Bank – 0106070151

After payment you will receive your e-receipt, booking form and your personal login details to the school portal where you will access the modules and other course materials to read up ahead of the program.

If you paid Via Bank deposit or Transfer, kindly upload proof of payment HERE for confirmation and seat reservation, you can also click on the whatsapp icon on the bottom right of this page to chat us on whatsapp



Send fee via Mobile Money (MoMo) to;

3Y Publicity

and after payment, send screenshot to: +2347085556666
once payment is confirmed, you will be given login details to access the school portal.

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