Ember months practical training on Data Analysis, Advanced Excel & PowerPoint starts September 13th | Register NOW!

Every year, EMployMe E-Learning ends the training, learning and development year with data, statistics; it’s collection, storage and presentation with our 3-in-1 training course:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Data Analysis

Data collection, usage, analyzing and presentation is now a big factor in every work and organizational framework. Every job role, every work, every career sphere from the security man, the cashier, the sales, marketing, social media, customer service, management, training, operations .. all and every department leverage and use data to work. Data is LIFE!

From the entry level personnel to the top executive, your knowledge of data and it allied fields is very important to career growth and improves earning power.

This year, our 3-in-1 training on Ms PPT, Excel and Data Abalysis will be over 10 weekends starting September 13th.



Program sequence:

  • Ms PowerPoint – starts September 13th
  • Ms Excel – starts October 4th
  • Data Analysis – starts November 2nd
  • Program is 100% Online. Classes via zoom while resource materials will be available for participants on the students portal on the EMployMe online school portal Click to View Portal to see our school LMS portal.
  • Classes holds on weekend (Friday – Sunday) with no more than 2 sessions of no more than 2 hours each session to allow for flexibility of learning, easy assimilation and opportunity for facilitator/students Q&A sessions to ensure all questions are attended to.
  • All classes are recorded and video links uploaded on google drive to allow participants access 24/7 all year round to the class sessions for post training learning.

Applications and schedule:
We start with Ms PowerPoint:
Microsoft PPT
Minimum of 6 sessions.
Sept 13-15
Sept. 20-22
Sept. 27-29
(4 hours per weekend)


Ms PPT is the worlds most renowned office and business tools used for presentation, training and clear information dissemination. For every career professional Ms PPT is a crucial office tool to master as it stands one out in the work place and can help make your work and career a lot more fluid, interesting and professional. This session will help participant understand and learn PowerPoint from basic to Pro PPT in 6 practical sessions which will cover design, adding features like clip art, audio, videos, animation and give a complete slide presentation and make it more appealing and captivating.

It’s money back guaranteed if after 3 sessions you don’t enjoy the training and unable to do a presentation on your own.
– All class sessions are practical with case scenario to work on.
– Resource materials and PPT theory guide will be available on the portal for download and read up before class starts.
Course fee: N15,000
Start date: September 13th

Microsoft Excel:
Schedule: 8 sessions starting October 4
Oct 4 – 6 (Basic excel)
Oct 11 -13
Oct. 18 -20
Oct. 25 -27
(2 sessions per weekend of 2hour per session)
Course fee: N30,000

The Excel is the very basic application for data management be it in sales, marketing, cash flow, inventory, stocks, inout/output etc,
class will start from basic data entry on excel to intermediate, large entry use of pivots, charts, recall data, storage and duplication to more advance excel; Sumifs, HLook up, VLook up and data report presentation and making reports more cosmetically appealing.

Ms Excel is a must have knowledge and skill to function in the challenging work space be you a security man or house wife.

Data Analysis:
Introduction to Data Analysis: Nov 2
Nov 8 -10
Nov 15 -17
Nov. 22 -24
(2 sessions each weekend of 2hrs per session)

Our DA class aims to bring participants from a No DA knowledge to an intermediate level, curriculum will be foundational data analysis covering:
– Excel in Data Analysis
– PowerBI
– Tableau covering: import and data creation, data visualization techniques, dashboard and report creation.
Course fee: N60,000

Data Analysis and it’s knowledge and application is fast becoming a basic requirement now in recruitment and the reason isn’t far fetched; organizations now deal with large data, analyze, project, predict and forecast trends and direction based on forecast and projections of trends and data.
whatever fried you are in, having a data analytic/analysis certificate will be a crucial part of your next career move and improved earning capacilty, at the end of the session, participant should be able to understand the foundational keys and applications in data analysis as this is a foundational course.

How to pay and register for the course:
-You can pay 50% now to reserve your slot and pay balance between September – November the duration of the program.

Payment details/Variations:
-Ms PPT only – N15,000.
-Ms Excel only – N30,000.
-Data Analysis only – N60,000.
-Ms PPT & Excel – N35,000
-Ms PPT + Excel + Data Analysis – N80.000.

Click HERE to select a variation pay in Nigerian Naira and Ghana Cedis

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